You’re using the most detailed and customizable rate calculator in the industry. We’ve analyzed rates from tens of thousands of creators to help you confidently negotiate your fair value for Posts, Usage Rights, Exclusivity, and more.

Unsure what a term means? Use the drop down in each section to learn more.

Standard campaigns are where brands pay you to create content and post it to your social channels.

Campaign Details

Baseline Costs Per Post

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Your recommended "Cost Per Post" uses industry benchmarks, along with your follower count and engagement/view rates, to calculate how much you should be charging per post. Every cost that follows - usage rights, exclusivity, and more - is based on this CPP, so feel free to manually adjust as needed.

Posts Requested

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Enter the brand's requested posts below to get your base rate for the program. Additional costs for usage rights, exclusivity, and more will be added next.

Usage Rights

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When brands use your content themselves - on their social pages, website, digital media, and more - you should charge extra per month for each usage type.


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When brands prohibit you from working with competitors, you should charge extra based on how many competitors are in their exclusivity and how long they are mandating exclusivity.

Difficult Industries

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Some industries are more difficult to work with and will therefore require more of your time in creative concepting, data collection, and more. You can, and should, charge a premium for this.

Busy Time of Year

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Demand from brands is much higher during times like Holiday and Back To School, allowing you to charge a slight premium.

*Note: Most creators only use this section when they’ve created strong deal flow and are ready to increase rates.

Rushed Project

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When brands are requiring 24-48 hour turnarounds, the campaign will require more of your time and you should charge a slight premium.

Note: Most creators only use this section when they've created strong deal flow and are ready to increase rates.

Is this is a giveaway promotional campaign?

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Giveaways are very valuable for brands and can come off as salesy in your feed - for both these reasons, you should charge a slight premium.

Note: Most creators only use this section when they’ve created strong deal flow and are ready to increase rates.

Add any out-of-pocket costs.

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The above costs are your rates for the sponsorship, but the brand should cover all out-of-pocket costs like buying the product or gas money if you're required to travel. Enter them here so you can be reimbursed through your rate.


Total rate $0.00
Posts Requested $0.00
Usage Rights $0.00
Exclusivity $0.00
Industry $0.00
Busy Time $0.00
Quick Turn $0.00
Giveaway $0.00
Out of Pocket $0.00
Total Rate $0.00
Opt-In Platform Rate $0.00
This is your total recommended rate based on industry benchmarks. Be Smart: When starting out and applying for opt-in platforms, reduce your rates by 50%+. Win deals, then slowly begin increasing rates. Be Confident: Many influencers with your same audience size charge 2-3X this total recommended rate. You are valuable to brands - have confidence in your worth.